Sunday, May 3, 2015

Next New Media

Technology has been changing rapidly throughout history and many new forms of new media are presented to us. With today's technology, we have to ability to choose what medium we use to communicate with other users.

I believe a new type of "new media" that will exist in the near future is a central artificial intelligence system that controls the creation and dissemination of information. This AI has to ability access anything in the virtual world.Users will no longer need to use a keyboard to type due to the AI's voice recognition technology. A user would simply interact with the AI regarding what they want to surf online. For example if you want to pull up Facebook, simply say "open Facebook" and the AI will recognize the user's voice to command it to open Facebook. Rather than webcam with your friends and family, the AI can project a live hologram of users you are connected with. Distant communications become more and more intimate. This feature is also useful for businesses that implement virtual conference meetings with their organization.

With a creation such as an AI, it will revolutionize technology and how we access new media. It will change the way we think and access to information will become 100 percent transparent.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wiki So Far

I have not contributed to our class wiki, but I would like to write about a topic that interests me: technological singularity and the relevance of conscious artificial intelligence. My goal is to provide the historical context behind this theory, who formed this theory, how it applies to society and why we should care. As our technology improves, we will invent things of the unimaginable, things we thought that would only exist in our imagination.


File sharing allows digital media (programs, software, movies, music, photos, games, etc.) to be transferred from one computer over another through a network or the internet. Although file-sharing may not be illegal, the content users tend to share can be illegal and questionable. What had seemed to be a convenient way in transferring files have created loopholes that allows users to share copyrighted content, but at a cost. The infamous file sharing website Megaupload was shut down by the government because it was profiting from offering file transferring service of illegal pirated digital media.

A peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is a network in which computer systems are connected to each other via the internet. Any type of file can be shared between these computer systems. Think of the P2P network as your home network connected through a modem and a router. Any user or device in that network can share files to any connected system. Each system can be a file server and a client. In other words, every system share the same responsibilities when data is processed. P2P file sharing is limited to what files users allow to share. P2P file sharing has led to the inevitable illegal software and music piracy. Piracy has caused the music, software and gaming industries to lose billions of downloads due to illegal distributed copyright content.

An example of P2P file sharing network is BitTorrent. BitTorrent is a program that allows many users to connect and download a file. According to Brian Stelter in a New York Times article, "people have swapped illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies on the Internet for years...peer-to-peer technology called BitTorrent, required patience and a modicum of sophistication by users" (Stelter, 2009). BitTorrent programs or client allows users to download through their protocol. The protocol enables and distributes the file across users that have downloaded or are in the process of downloading the file. The file breaks up into many small parts and unique part to this is that you do not need to full file in order to start sharing. Once you have the small part, you share it to others in the peer network. Tee torrent file is somewhat different in that it does not contain the file. Instead it contains directions to where you can find peers and seeders. BitTorrent has caused many profit losses and although there are actions being taken to mitigate illegal activity, there are far too many loopholes to take preventative measures. 

Stelter, B. (2009, February 4). Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Monday, April 20, 2015


Privacy in new media is becoming a controversial issue. Although new media is making our lives more convenient, it has also created numerous potential problems, such as intellectual property, copyright, identity theft, fraud, and cyber-bullying issues. Social media platforms seem to provide great services to its users but when examining their Terms of Service, you might think twice in posting private photos, videos or messages.

According to Joe Nocera in a New York Times opinion page, "internet companies collect information about us, which they deploy in the service of advertisers" (Nocera, 2014). The concept is rather simple. Once these social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter go public, they need to find ways to stay financially sustainable and maximize profits for shareholder. In order to profit, these social media giants sell our personal information and any pictures they see profitable. Under their Terms of Service, they usually state along the lines of granting themselves a license-able and royalty free, worldwide right to use any content you post. Although they state that users own their intellectual properties, it is contradictory in that users must grant them a license-able right. This is one of the loopholes that must be addressed.

Another privacy concern when using social media is that businesses that are transparent are more prone to sophisticated social engineered hacks. An employer or employee may post something on social media but little did they know hackers can use that information to their advantage. Any type of information can provide these hackers with leads. Huge data breaches would be costly for companies to take preventative measures.

Cyber-bullying has become an issue affecting teenagers worldwide. Although the government and many organizations are running awareness campaigns, they are not effective in preventing bullies from posting nasty and threatening comments to their victims. Victims are bullied physically and mentally, from school to a screen in their home. Social media poses many privacy issue to young teenagers when they post user content online. Bullies may steal personal photos of victims and post them online anonymously to ruin their reputation.

Information technology may have made our lives more convenient in many ways, but many of the problems it poses are often ignored, or very little is done about it. Information technology is only at the early stages of development and as we progress, we should think about potential future risks and how to solve current problems, rather than allowing them to occur.


Information technology has improved and made significant impacts on our daily lives. It is fascinating to see how more and more users are using the internet as a medium for communication and information as technology evolves rapidly. Although technology is changing our behaviors, ideas and the way we think. I believe information technology has not been effectively incorporated into higher education.

Although many professors are implementing information technology use into their assignments and class environment, there is no interactive support. For example, professors should host web conferences with their students to encourage an interactive environment through new media instead of assigning assignments that require no thought. Professors should also ask critical thinking questions to encourage students to participate. Professors should also encourage students to use their university website to communicate with other students and ask questions.

Another advice I would give is to implement online chat systems for many departments so it saves students and faculty members time. Online chat systems will save students a trip and waiting endlessly on lines for help. I personally have experienced this type of problem when trying to meet with an advisory. Wait times at the advisory's office usually takes more than two hours, which is quite unreasonable if you are only meeting with an adviser for five minutes. New media needs to be
implemented in higher education to its full potential. Due to the fact that Baruch college has limited number of faculty members that can help students in various departments, an online chat system works best. Limited number of faculty members will cause traffic in waiting lines which can be overwhelming.

Implementing webcam support services is also a great idea for technical support or any sort of problems. To prevent spam, students will be required to log into their student accounts and be identified that way. For some departments at Baruch college, they require that you leave a voice message. I usually find that inefficient and unreliable. Overall,information technology needs to be improved in many areas at Baruch College.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Creativity and New Media

 Below is an original picture of one of my favorite super-cars. I decided to use this photo to show an example of how new media and digital technology tools can alter a photo. I decided to use Adobe Photoshop as a tool to change the original image into a sketch. I turned the original image into a sketch by changing the saturation, blend mode, Gaussian blur, and inverting the original image.


Before the introduction of new media, old media was used as a medium to transfer information to the audiences. As technologies become more and more advance, new media fosters creativity in a way that it provides users digital technologies that enhances their ideas and creativity. Digital technology encourages users to generate content. Computers are not just a medium to process information. It is also a medium that helps in creative expression and design. Through videos, blogs, music, databases, and generated content online, users can express their creativity and imagination in many ways. Without digital technologies, many of these imagination and ideas would not come true.

A clear indication that new media contributes to creativity can be seen in the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) community. EDM DJs compose their own music and many mash-ups using pop, rock, or hip-hop songs to include in their electronic music. By using new media, these DJs are able to produce unimaginable creative music. For example, "Frontin' on Devra" is an example of a "mash-up," in which, generally, the vocal from one song is laid over the music from another" (Jones, 2005). Digital and new media allow for recycling of songs through mash-ups and remixes. 

Another example is the creation of virtual worlds in MMORPGs, where mythology and fantasies exists. Video games would not exist without digital technologies and new media, which allows for  creativity by providing a platform to utilize these ideas.

Digital technologies have served as a way to express our creative ideas. These ideas can come from other users' works or a combination. It also allows users to enhance their creativity by being able to access to many user generated content worldwide. Digital technologies also allows for inner imagination to be realized through the tools it provides to generate the content. Digital technologies have impacted our lives significantly, especially on how we think creatively.

Jones, S. (2005, January 10). 1 1 1 = 1 - The New Yorker. Retrieved March 30, 2015, from

Monday, March 23, 2015

Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are usually technological based online communities designed and shared by users. It is a custom-built, simulated world where users interact text-based or through a headset. The massively multiplayer online role-playing game (mmorpg) Minecraft is a virtual world; a space for kids to express their imagination and connect with other users that also want to create things in a virtual world (Mehta, 2013). In other words, a virtual world is an environment that allows fantasies, dreams and imaginations to come true where it is impossible to exist in reality.

An advantage of a virtual world is that it encourages strategic and creative thinking that can help in reality. Some users join virtual worlds not just to play the game, but to socialize and interact with other users. Not all virtual worlds are created for entertainment. In fact, some virtual worlds are created for educational purposes. A great example is the U.S. military using virtual worlds to their advantages. They can create training simulations that soldiers would face on a daily basis in a battleground. Another advantage is that a virtual world allows imaginations to run wild, where you can play as your favorite hero with special abilities. We are able to control and perform impossible activities in a virtual world when in reality, we have physical limitations.  It allows us to control our virtual fate by making choices with consequences.

A disadvantage of a virtual world is that a training simulation is limited to how it was designed. In other words, a training simulation cannot fully imitate a real world environment where there are more consequences and scenarios. In terms of MMORPGs, users can become emotionally attached to a virtual world where they escape the real world. This addiction becomes time consuming to the point where it becomes potentially harmful to their health. It becomes more challenging for them to socialize in the real world due to lack of real communication. Virtual worlds such as Second Life are targeting the business market to present an innovative way of bringing employees together for meets and conferences remotely (Tutton, 2009). A disadvantage of virtual worlds used as platforms for conferences is that virtual teams becomes passive and less engaged in conversations than if they were in a real workplace environment. The virtual world becomes a barrier to effectively communicate.

I believe the future of virtual worlds will look like the one portrayed in the movie Surrogates, where humans live in isolation. Humans are plugged into machines to psychologically control robots to interact with other controlled robots. We can see a limited version of this in reality where the majority of people spend most of their time communicating heavily through social networking websites.

Works Cited 

Mehta, D. (2013, April 30). After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Retrieved March 24, 2015.

Tutton, M. (2009, November 9). Going to the virtual office in Second Life. Retrieved March 24, 2015.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

Twitter is one of the most simplistic platforms groups can use when discussing about a topic. Since a tweet is limited to 140 characters, it only allows for a discussion relevant to the topic to occur. The character limit can also be a frustration when trying to have a discussion because not all relevant information one wants to post can be done under one tweet. Instead, they would have to tweet multiple times if they go over the 140 character limit. Twitter only allows for simple discussions which in my opinion is a major flaw.

A BlackBoard discussion is similar to a Twitter discussion, without the character limit. BlackBoard provides more technological features to help groups with collaborations. It also encourages users to research and provide reliable sources when having a discussion. A BlackBoard discussion will result in users providing the most refined answers. I believe BlackBoard will encourage the most educated answers.

In-class discussions are the most natural in that participants will use their prior knowledge on a topic to answer. It can also be unreliable because answers are knowledge based rather than research based. In-class discussions encourages participants to speak out and voice their opinions. In-class discussions do create the most natural and engaging environment because it requires the most attention. Discussing about a controversial topic in-class vs. online will always differ. In-class discussion provides a more intimate environment while an online discussion is more of a washed down version.

These three types of discussion methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but are great tools to communicate with each other. Regardless of which method is used, they all provide a unique method to communicate.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr

As society relies more and more on technology, social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr are becoming apart of our daily lives. Social media platforms offer many services to their users. Communicating with others and reading about current events are made convenient through social media platforms.

A major difference I see in LinkedIn compared to the other social media platforms is that it is designed specifically for formal connections. In other words, you do not have a conversation about where you went last weekend. LinkedIn does not have a photo sharing feature and is strictly focused on individual, company profiles and connections. LinkedIn is a professional social network and is primarily focused on job seekers and recruitment. Any other topics are not appropriate for LinkedIn.

Facebook on the other hand is more of a social oriented website where users can talk about almost any topic. Facebook provides the most features out of the four social/business network services. It includes features such as allowing you to share photos, instant message, share posts, fan pages, applications, and the list goes on. Facebook also features more privacy setting options, from a visible profile to a partially visible profile. You can set particular posts and pictures as private, or share it to particular groups.

Twitter is also a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to post 140 character messages more known as "tweets." Twitter is a service that allows for short and simple posts and comments. Twitter is more narrowed down in that you follow people and topics that are important to you. The 140-character limit can cause frustration because not every important point can posted in one tweet. Twitter has recently introduced features such as posting videos and form group chats.

Tumblr features a customizable blog page where you can post text, videos, music, and links from any device. You can customize your blog page any way you prefer and express your opinion. Tumblr is similar to Twitter in which these platforms are follower based. Tumblr is similar with Facebook in that both provide more comprehensive social networking services than Twitter and LinkedIn. According to Tumblr's Terms of Service, adult oriented content is allowed and there are no violations that a user can face if he/she chose to post pornography and other related materials. I believe Tumblr is one of the most controversial social media platforms because it allows users to post inappropriate content. Twitter also allows pornography to be posted on some areas.

These social media giants usually target the same users, but offer different services. These four types of social media are a combination of what people use throughout their daily lives. Some may be more formal than others and some can be better when you are specifically searching for things that interest you.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Social Networking

Social Networking have been around but it seems as if social networking is still a new concept. As the internet advances, social networking websites will impact us more effectively. One of clear advantages I see with using social networking platforms is communication. People can communicate with each other anywhere around the world regardless of location. This makes communication a convenience.

In my opinion, companies can benefit the most out of using social media platforms. Companies can advertise effectively without incurring advertising expenses. Social media platforms even encourage companies to advertise on their websites, such as Facebook. Companies can use these platforms as a feedback system where they encourage users to share their experience with a product or with their company. They can also engage customers by using polls or surveys to gain an understanding of what the general public wants. By doing this, the company is able to cater products to customer opinions and needs. Companies can also release their prototypes and ask for public opinion. Social networking helps companies grow through communities and keeps them updates on current events or trends.

Once user generated content is put online, there is no guarantee that the content is exclusively yours. If content is shared publicly, anyone will be able to see, read, and copy your contents. Privacy ceases to exist if you share personal information publicly. There are just too many loopholes on social networking platforms that it’s just not safe to post content that is considered private to you. Many social networking claims part of your posted contents if read carefully under their Terms of Service. In exchange for their service, they are able to use your public contents.

Many users are beginning to use these platforms on portable devices. Everywhere you go, there are always people on their devices. This is one of the negative impacts on society because socializing has dramatically changed. People socialize through a virtual world and allows us to hide through a screen. You feel you are socialization without having to socialize through face to face conversations. Since anyone has access to the internet, young teenagers are also prone to online sexual predators. Cyber-bullying is also a serious topic when it comes to social networking platforms. It can cause people to commit suicide or make them feel depressed.

Social networking platforms are just in their beginning stage of development. In the near future, they will offer services unimaginable. I believe in the future, transactions will be fully fluid and functional through social networking platforms. For example, ordering products from businesses through social networking would become a norm.

Greenfield, Rebecca. "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" The Wire. The Wire, 26 Dec. 2012. Web. 8 Mar. 2015. 

"Leaving ‘Friendprints’: How Online Social Networks Are Redefining Privacy and Personal Security." Knowledge@Wharton. The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 10 June, 2009. Web. 08 March, 2015 

Monday, March 2, 2015


A wiki allows many users, from students to teachers to come together to create, modify and organize web page content in a collaborative manner. Wikis allows for knowledge sharing and are not biased. Wikis are fact related and is a way to record historical events or a timeline. The advantage of a wiki is that any user can contribute their knowledge on a topic. A disadvantage to this is that some users may provide false or wrong information on a topic. They can also vandalize the page but it can always be revised by another user. Wikis also allow for discussion through a dedicated discussion/talk page. Wikis are also formal and can be used for business purposes. It can help organize and plan an upcoming project for a business. Wikis can benefit many organizations, such as schools, businesses, government agencies and many more. Since wikis are becoming more and more advanced, I believe they should implement a program that provides live updates on events.

Blogs are online journals usually maintained by one person, but can also be a small group. Blogs are more informal than wikis in that there is usually a discussion on a topic. It usually does not require a collaborative process. Blogs can also be biased towards a viewpoint and involves an individual's opinions. In other words, a blog is a way to express yourself, your thoughts and passion. Compared to a wiki, blogs are usually not for educational purposes. Blogs also do not update as fast as wikis because of the missing collaborative process. Blogs are usually subject to criticism and debate under the comments section because after all, anyone can freely express their opinions in blogs.

Wikis and blogs are useful in their own ways. As both types become more and more advanced, there will be more potential to use blogs and wikis more effectively. In a way, we can use wikis and blogs to discover become more innovative.

Cohen, Noam. "An Internal Wiki That’s Not Classified." The New York Times. The New York Times, 3 Aug. 2008. Web. 3 Mar. 2015. 

Locher, Margaret. "More on How to Build Your Own Wikipedia." Chief Information Officer. CIO, 17 Apr. 2008. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Social Media Platforms: How do they Affect Society Positively and Negatively

I will be writing an analysis paper on social media platforms and how they impact society positively and negatively. I will touch upon two types of social media (social networking and media sharing websites). There will be a comparison between these two types of social media platforms, especially the dangers it poses on teenagers. I will also discuss about the culture of the cyber world in comparison to the offline world.